
Elizabeth Gilbert on nurturing creativity

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

taraining module-sept

20th September 2008

The purpose of the DRG is to strengthen the capacity of a team of trainers by applying
principles of constructivist learning, and develop a variety of training
Methodologies and facilitation skills; developing learning objectives and designing process oriented lesson
Plans. The DRG Training is based on the principle that everyone has something to share, and by including the active input of
participants, interest and efficacy is increased.

Training of Trainers- COURSE OBJECTIVES
1. Share experiences of the previous cluster in view of focused thrust area –process analysis
2. Develop participants’ capacity to plan, organize, and conduct training.
3. Introduce participants to principles and concepts of constructivist pedagogy.
4. Develop participants’ capacity to make use of process oriented lesson planning to facilitate
construction of knowledge.
5. Equip participants with knowledge of effective training methods and develop
skills to use them.
6. Identify effective ways to monitor and evaluate training sessions.
7. Help participants develop training plans with meta-cognitive evaluation tools to the children

The training approach is based on principles of constructivist pedagogy with a focus on peer
review during all the steps of planning, organizing, and conducting a training/learning
event. The course models a variety of effective training methodologies, including
simulation, practice, discussion, brain-storming, buzz groups, case studies, , visualization in participatory programming (VIPP), and presentation.

STRUCTURE: sessions from 10 am to 4.30 pm

MATERIALS AND TOOLS: Each session includes an introduction, learning objectives,
participatory methodologies, and activities.

TIME: 9.30 am to 4.30 pm.


9.30 AM TO 10 AM : Registration
10 AM TO 11 AM : Review.
11 am to 11.10 am : Tea break
11.10 am to 1 pm :Simulation –std IX- unit 4 –Albert Einstein
1 pm to 2 pm : Lunch break
2 pm to 4.00. pm :Planning meta-cognitive evaluation tools for- class VIII,IX,X.
4pm to 4.30pm :CPTA –Planning and Organization- discussion.

Session no/
Learning objectives
Training method/Process

Review of the last cluster.

Simulation activity-informal letter.

Planning meta cognitive level evaluation tools for classes VIII,IX,X


CPTA –Planning organization –discussion

1 hour

2 Hours
Share the outcomes of the last cluster and recall the thrust area.

To enable the participants recognize the importance of process oriented lesson planning in language transaction and acquisition process

To enable the RPs recognize the possibilities of ZPD development

To enable the RPs recognize the importance of editing in constructivist paradigm as a non-conscious grammar acquisition process.

To familiarize RPs in developing and executing meta cognitive evaluation tools assess the children
Process analysis and importance of changing transaction strategies.

Simulation highlight the importance of process oriented planning for construction of knowledge.

-place and date
-Proper salutation
-proper conclusion
-Coherence of ideas
-Language-well formed structure etc
Lay out

*RP after the initial interaction asks the trainers to fill up the questionnaire to evaluate and recall the thrust area of the previous cluster
*RP invites individual responses and consolidates the discussion on the focal point that it is the RPs responsibility to make it live, resourceful and rich.

*what was the focus area of the last cluster?
*After the participants’ responses, RP shares his/her own experience and the changes he/she made in the transaction strategy, the discussion is consolidated on the following point:
* Uses of IT, library and Process lesson planning were the focal points, CCE enable the teacher to modify his/her strategies to apply multiple intelligence principles and develop an inclusive transaction strategy.

*Initial interaction-RP,”here is an extract from the autobiography of Einstein prepared a by group in my class, please read it carefully.

* What would you do in if you were in Einstein’s place?
Will you write the letter to president Roosevelt?

*RP consolidates the discussion in the following line:
Einstein finally decided to write the letter President Roosevelt. Then RP asks the participants to write the letter Einstein is likely to write.

*Participants write the letter individually on the work sheet.
*After the individual attempt, RP asks the participants to exchange their product with their neighbour and assess the letter based on the features of a formal letter.
* RP asks them to sit groups of four after this and select the one that conforms to the features given.

* GroupWise presentations are invited.
RP selects one group product for editing.

Thematic Editing
RP presents his version of the letter and asks to make a thematic comparison
Syntactic Editing
-Identifies wrong word orders and asks, “what change would you like to make to this sentence?”
-if there’s a missing word, that part is underlined and asks,” there is a word missing here, can you suggest the word?
If it is a case of excess word, there is an excess word, can you identify ?(Eg.This is a Santhosh)
Morphological Editing

Wrong Tense form
In the case of sentences in wrong form, the RP has to underline the verb and ask, do you want to change it?
If there is no response from the learner, the RP can suggest the correct version and ask if that would be suitable.
Spelling and Punctuation
In the case of spelling errors, it can be assigned to check at home.( consult a dictionary)
After editing one group product, the rest of the group products may be given to small groups for editing.
*RP analyses the simulation activity on the basis of the constructivist pedagogy:
“Can we call this a constructivist class room activity?”
*Analysis made based on checklist.
RP consolidates the session emphasizing the need for designing meta cognitive level evaluation tools in all units to assess the children’s progress.
*RP groups the participants in groups of four or five members and assigns the task.
* RP issues the state level material after giving sufficient time complete the task given.

*Discuss CPTA


*Handout –Eistein’s biography

*IX- STD course book
*Hand Book

Sample letter.


Check list.

Check list

CPTA Module

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